Booster Juice: Business in a Blender

Welcome to my blog page on Booster Juice: Business in a Blender. I hope that after reading my blog, you will be convinced to try it at least out of curiosity, if not, make it a regular choice in your daily lifestyle. Why? Because it is natural, healthy, and appetising and it appeals to every age group. So, enjoy the wealth of knowledge available on my blog and feel free to leave me any comments. Thank you.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Fresh Fruits as a Healthy Alternative

Interesting, I came across an article on the yahoo website that encourages us to eat more strawberries. According to the article published by Julie Daniluk, there are five reasons to eat more strawberries:
  1. Reduces the risk of degenerative disease:  strawberries are high in folic acid which is great for pregnant mothers too. Certain medications deplete the folic acids in your body which can be replenish by eating strawberries. It will ensure you maintain your cognitive capabilities.
  2. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: 
    • it suppresses the inflammatory responses of the body
    • reduces our risks of hypertension by lowering LDL colesterol
  3. Reduces stress: strawberries has 100% vitamin C of our recommended daily intake. Studies show when vitamin C is consumed during times of stress, it decreases our body's blood pressure back to normal.
  4. Prevents bone loss: strawberries are high in potassium which is great for preserving calcium thereby preventing bone loss as we age.
  5. High in antioxidants: strawberries contain anthrocyanin, which protects us from the damaging effects of our environment, especially the sun.
We are constantly bombarded by the media about the health benefits of fresh fruits. As such, all fruits give us different nutrients. Strawberry is only one of them which I thought I might share with you. For those of you who are not fruit lovers, there are alternative ways to get the required nutrients to preserve your body’s health. Why not try a smoothie? 

Smoothies are a healthy way to quench your thirst and give you a boost. When it is blended with other fruits and a touch of yogurt, you wouldn’t know if you are consuming a fruit that you would not eat otherwise. It tastes that great!  


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